Like the Fascists, the Futurists were strongly patriotic, excited by violence and opposed to parliamentary democracy. Many Italian Futurists supported Fascism and parallels can be drawn between the two movements.To assist them logistically with their distribution, the group made use of some of the new technologies they depicted in their art including advancements in mass media, printing, and transportation. Although both the Realists and Symbolists had previously produced similar documents, the sheer scale with which the Futurists created and disseminated their manifestos was unprecedented, allowing them to transmit their ideas to a wider audience. The Futurists published a huge number of different manifestos, using them to communicate their aesthetic, political, and social ideals.This last method was adapted from the work of the Cubists and the inclusion of such lines became a feature of Futurist images. The group developed a number of novel techniques to express speed and motion, including blurring, repetition, and the use of lines of force. A key focus of the Futurists was the depiction of movement, or dynamism.Futurism anticipated the aesthetics of Art Deco as well as influencing Dada and German Expressionism. Russian Futurism is usually considered a separate movement, although some Russian Futurists did engage with the earlier Italian movement. Although most prominent in Italy, Futurist ideas were utilized by artists in Britain (informing Vorticism), the US and Japan and Futurist works were displayed all over Europe. This revival attracted new artists and became known as second generation Futurism. The group was at its most influential and active between 19 but was re-started by Marinetti after the end of the First World War. Futurism was invented, and predominantly based, in Italy, led by the charismatic poet Marinetti. Speed, violence, and the working classes were all glorified by the group as ways to advance change and their work covered a wide variety of artforms, including architecture, sculpture, literature, theatre, music, and even food. Focus was placed on creating a unique and dynamic vision of the future and artists incorporated portrayals of urban landscapes as well as new technologies such as trains, cars, and airplanes into their depictions. Focusing on progress and modernity, the Futurists sought to sweep away traditional artistic notions and replace them with an energetic celebration of the machine age.